If you get 2 points...
Now that you know the instructions if, perhaps you can start using blocks if / else, which can be very practical in many types of projects. The blocks if / else are very similar to the block if, but contain two sets of blocks inside.
if < touching color [#0000FF]? >then
say [I have reached the goal!] for (2) secs
say [I have reached the goal!] for (2) secs
How this block works? When execution reaches this point, the condition on the block is evaluated, and if this is true, the set of blocks that are within the 'if' is executed, but if the condition is false, then the set of blocks that are within the 'else' is executed.
In the example, if the character is touching the blue color, he says 'I reached the goal!', but ,if you are not touching the purple color, says 'I have not reached the goal'.