If you get 2 points...
Another way to achieve parallelism in your program is doing several things occur when the user presses a key or clicks on an object. Consider a couple of examples:
when [a v] key pressed
say [A] for (2) secs
when [a v] key pressed
say [A] for (2) secs
when this sprite clicked
move (10) steps
if on edge, bounce
when this sprite clicked
if <touching [the mouse pointer v]? > then
turn cw (30) degrees
How these blocks works?
In the first example, we see two different characters that, when a key is pressed, perform a certain action. Therefore, when the user press the a key, in this case, both the cat and the child run at the same time 'say A for 2 seconds'
In the second example we see that a character has two programs that begin with 'when clicking this object'. Therefore, when the user clicks on this character, both programs will begin to run simultaneously, in parallel.