If you get 3 points...
To make decisions on some projects sometimes is necessary to evaluate more than one condition at the same time to know what to execute. In these situations it is very helpful to use logical operations that combine the conditions. Logical operations are available in Scratch AND, OR and No.
if << touching [Enemy v]? > and <(lives) = [0]>> then
say [Game over]
stop [all v]
if << touching [edge v]? > or < touching [Enemy v]? >>then
change [lives v] by (-1)
if < not <(level)=(5)>>then
say [You still have undiscovered levels] for (2) secs
The operation AND is true when both conditions are true evaluated. The OR operation is true when one of two conditions are true evaluated. And the operation otherwise not worth the condition, ie, if the condition is true, not returns false and vice versa.